
there goes my weekdays

salam people...

there goes my weekdays...
no midterm
2 reports
1 assignment.

i just finished Parenting class
today's topic:
Rights and Responsibilities

and we have a debate
which the topic is:
Wives should stay at home, while the husbands earn a living.

boys vs girls
they are on the government and we're on the opposition

there goes the debate
the boys: one who understand and care about the wife's situation,
while the other concern about fiqh of awlawiyyat.

the girls: one who totally opposed the topic,
while the other one concern about the economic crisis.

the girl who concern about the economic crisis actually supports the topic
with a little adjustment to the topic's statement:
Wives should stay at home, while the husbands earn a lot of money.


p/s: i don't like debates. but i like to watch debates.
p/s/s: money can't buy everything.


3p4h said...

Ahaks! Lain org lain interpretasi utk 'debat' nih...

Kalo ikutkan pertandingan debat, mereka blawan utk menang. Tp kita yg sbg penonton, kita analisa apa yg dperdebatkan.

Itulah knp, dlm berdebat, konsep dia sama je cam perselisihan faham. Makanya, kita kne la tahu adab2 apabila bdepan dgn ikhtilaf ni.

p/s: Kitorg parenting pn wat debat, n kita bole tgk siapa yg bcakap guna emosi, rasional, islamic perspective etc..

Sanchez said...

debate can be a good thing and also bad...I like to debate...but most of the time, i'm trying to control it...coz I have the urge to win all the time...and I may end up hurting some1 by debating...moral of the story is, debate what is necessary only...and be open-minded to others' opinion...you may not always rite, aRiff...

As said...

debat bukan untuk menang

tapi tengok cara pertahankan isu masing2 ;)

kitorang punye lelaki bangkang poligami dan wanita galakkan poligami. Ahaks!

Master J said...

ehehe debates..best! ari 2 br ada debate dlm class dr.tariq =p

Dendei said...


my father & my sis...

sangat pandai berdebat...

tapi adik beradik yang lain...cuma tau mengomel & membebel & buat lawat x siyes....huhu...

Menurut sejarah, debat yang baik asalnya utk menegakkan kebenaran....

Tapi barat tlh mengajar kita dgn berdebat ala mencari kesalahan org a.k.a mencari kelemahan org utk memenangkan diri....huh!

alifzaimimra said...

kpd 3p4h: itu sebabnya achik tak suka debat. ;)
erm, achik suka pakai rasional. :P

kpd ariff: saya sependapat dengan kamu.

kpd As: topik menarik..nak masuk debat As, boleh? :P

kpd MJ: wah..bagusnya dr. Tariq pn buat debat ke?? bagus2.

kpd a.K.u: mari kita boikot Barat!!!